OpenShift Tips

Labels & Annotations

Add label to a Node

oc label node NODE_NAME

Above command is used to mark a node as a storage node using the label “”

Add node selector at namespace level

In order to run the pods of a namespace on a specific node, we add can a node selector at namespace level

For example, If a node has a label “”

oc annotate namespace NAMESPACE ''

Add taints on a node

To control the scheduling of pods on a node, we can add taints to a node.

There are different types of default Taints available. For example, the effect “NoSchedule” prevents the scheduling of pods on a node which has this taint

oc adm taint nodes NODE_NAME KEY=VALUE:NoSchedule
oc adm taint nodes NODE_NAME

Above command prevents the scheduling of pods on the nodes using the key name “” and the Operator “Exists” (as we have not defined any value here). To allow pods to run on the tainted node, one must add tolerations in the pod.

        - key:
          operator: Exists
          effect: NoSchedule

Add tolerations at namespace level

oc annotate namespace NAMESPACE '[{"operator": "Exists", "effect": "NoSchedule", "key": ""}]'

In the above command, we added the toleration for the taint “NoSchedule” having key “” and the operator “Exists”

Last updated on 21 Aug 2023
Published on 20 Apr 2023
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